Wednesday 10 July 2013

One hungry escalator

A couple of years ago, I overheard a male colleague of mine triage an elderly lady who tripped or slipped on an escalator, fell, and came in to ER with a couple of nasty abrasions and a laceration to her shin. Trying to be sympathetic and funny my colleague said: "One time an escalator tried to bite my Crocs." (he probably meant that his shoe somehow almost got stuck in the moving parts of an escalator)
The lady, being well into her eighties, and probably not sporting the best hearing, didn't hear him clearly, so she had to clarify: "An escalator bit your crotch?"

I don't know if it's wrong but, for some reason, I could totally picture it happening, which made it 100 times funnier.

Oh, the small joys of triage.